This was another great week of forward progress on the exterior environment! We got special access to the senior lab over break from 9-5, so I really treated this environment like a 9-5 job. Seeing it progress over these last few weeks has been worth the time, and I'm finally starting to see it coming together.
On the final day of this week, I stepped outside my Maya comfort zone to learn XGen, which I thought I could use for the grass, and then MASH/Redshift proxies, which I had to use after I learned Maya and XGen aren't fully compatible. I was proud of how I approached learning these new tools, and how the end result looked.

Here are some progress renders over the course of this week:
I tried a more low-key lighting setup for this render -- I think I'll pull it back a bit, but it got me excited to move forward with lighting this environment once I'm done!!